What is this place?

Like the homepage says, this website is dedicated to the game series Rhythm Heaven. What's rhythm heaven? Its a series of rhythm games that have colorful and fun minigames, and after five or four levels, you play a remix: a minigame that mixes the previous minigames in that section! It's garnered a lot of fans, and you may have heard about it some way or another before! Anyways, this site is for these silly little games, almost like a shrine.

Okay, who are you?

I go by two names: Ted and, *ironically, Joey. I am a guy of a lot of things (I think?) but all you need to know is that I LOVE rhythm heaven. I got into this series back in 2020, and I've loved it ever since.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me! Just a heads up, I am not that good at talking.

Tumblr: @rpgmakerds

Email: rhythmremixed@gmail.com

*Ironically as in "isn't that ironic?" just felt like clarifying, so nobody thinks I go by that name as a joke. XP