Love you, love you, love you!

There's so much to love in the Rhythm Heaven series, so why not list my favorites? Lets start with...


Rhythm Tengoku: Samurai Slice (GBA)Space Dance

Samurai Slice is super fun, especially at the final part when the tempo picks up A LOT!!! Also this is the first and only time the Wandering Samurai has a glowing Sans eye and it makes me so sad it's never used again. Space Dance is also very cute, it never fails to make me smile! I love how Space Gramps slowly joins in on the dance. Fun fact: I think I once got possessed by the spirit of Space Dance one time for like 4 seconds.

Rhythm Heaven DS: LockstepBuilt To Scale 2Rockers 2

I used to be really scared of Lockstep on my first playthrough, but it turned out to be really fun! I love those silly little stepswitchers. The zoom-out sections can be pretty stressful, but I can handle it! Built To Scale would be here, but it's too easy since it's the first minigame. So it's sequel takes the cake! It's very close to the first one, but I think the added notes are super fun! Rockers 2 is here, NOT because of favoritism, but the R/L button control is such a fun idea! Too bad my 3ds' R button broke long before I got RHDS, so I have to use left-handed mode whenever I want to play Rockers 2 (︶︹︺).

Rhythm Heaven Fever: Packing PestsSamurai Slice (Wii)Cheer readers

Packing Pests...not much to say, it's fun! I just don't like how the pattern starts with a+b and then a. It feels like it should be the other way around! Congradulations Wandering Samurai! This is your second game in this list! What can I say, swords are just too damn cool! I like Cheerreaders, especially the "OK It's on!" part. The music is also very cool!! It makes me feel really motivated! Night Walk Fever. I call it that it to differenciate it from it's Tengoku predecessor. It's much more energetic than the original Night Walk, and the music obviously is better. The lyrics are so beautiful....。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。

Rhythm Heaven Megamix: KittiesLumBEARjack 2Kitties

It was kinda hard to find favorites from this game, since a lot of the minigames are from the previous entries. First Contact is very fun however! The superb epilogue screen is super cute!! LumBEARjack 2 is here because i love LumBEARjac, but the first one's music is a bit too peaceful. The intense music in the sequel is very fitting! I feel like I could chop any log with my twig arms! Kitties is self explanitory. THEY'RE SO CUTE YOU GUYS!!!


This one is REALLY hard.. let's get the number one best out of the way by doing vocal songs first! My favorite vocal songs have to be WISH Can't Wait For You, Classmate, Struck By The Rain (specifically the one in Karate Man 2), and Tokimeki No Story! Watashime Slug is such a cool band, I wanna get my hands on a Juuryoku CD. Alright, now the non-vocal songs. LumBEARjack 2, Air Rally, Drummer Duel, and Cosmic Dance are my favorite non-vocal songs! I sometimes make the drum sounds from Drummer Duel irl.


Hahaha (<= thats my menacing laughter)... I finally get to talk about my favorite characters....number one place goes to......


JJ Rocker and his student are sooo silly to me. They are literally BFFS. I absolutely love these goofballs from the bottom of my heart.

I also really like Tanaka and Kanojo from Ninja Reincarnate! They're very interesting characters and I wish we got to see more of them. At least they got a whole remix about them!

Custom Remixes!

Custom remixes are very popular thing in the RH community. Here are some of my favorites!

WARNING!: Some custom remixes may contain flashing visuals, especially faster paced ones. I'll put warnings on videos where this may apply.